First Corinthians Baptist Church
Dr. Reverend Rita D. Moore, Pastor
Reverend Anthony Green, Associate Minister
Our Vision: By Faith and His Power We Live; as He has loved us we give.
Our Mission: Empowered by faithful discipleship to assist in transforming the lives of individuals, families, churches and communities through the love of Jesus Christ.
Our ministries also include an engaging biblically- based bible study, a spirit-filled choir, a thriving senior program, an effective tutoring ministry, and dedicated usher and media ministries. We also sponsor a host of community activities and programs such as community picnics, back-to-school drives, and community Christmas gifts, etc. Our ministry is open to people of all ages, genders, race and ethnicity.
First Corinthians is a come as you are church, and we truly believe that if people continue to come; they will eventually become saved through the ministries and teachings of the church. We live by the model if Christ is the center of everything that we do…every other aspect of our lives will fall into place.
First Corinthians has always been focused on reaching out to those who are lost. It has always been about love and acceptance based on God’s definition of Love as written in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 with emphasis place on Verse 13: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.